Examples of Our Work

Centennial Olympic Park
Centennial Olympic Park
In preparation for the 1996 Olympics hosted by the City of Atlanta, our firm served as the lead, coordinating appraisal firm retaining and supervising all appraisers involved in the valuation of the properties acquired to create one of the lasting legacies of the games, Centennial Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta.

Downtown Viaduct
Downtown Viaduct Projects
Our appraisal of properties within the downtown Atlanta “gulch” for viaduct replacement projects required the allocation of land value between subsurface, surface and air rights at numerous elevation levels, and the valuation of three dimensional easements. Our valuations were used to acquire the varied property rights to reconstruct the elevated roadways.

Governmental Buildings
Governmental Buildings
We have appraised numerous, large governmental complexes and courthouse facilities for the General Services Administration of the US government to assist them in their management of these assets.

Experimental Cropland
Experimental Cropland
Our appraisal assisted the University of Tennessee and the Tennessee Department of Transportation to agree on the market value of a partial acquisition of experimental cropland developed by the university and enhanced in value by years of scientific calibration measuring agricultural productivity.

Highway Right of Way
Highway Right of Way Projects
Over the last 30 years we have been involved in numerous highway projects of varying types from simple “strip takes” to complex assignments involving major commercial properties. We have extensive experience in the eminent domain field and prepare our appraisals with careful attention to detail in preparation for expert testimony.

Wetland and Stream Mitigation Banks
Wetland and Stream Mitigation Banks
Wetland and stream mitigation bank appraisals require specialized knowledge and experience to research and analyze competing banks, estimate the market price of the subject credits, and project the likely absorption period. We have focused on this area of appraisal and are ready to assist you in this market.